As the peak body for the horticultural industry in the Carnarvon District CGA aims to lead the way for promoting the rights and common interests of our members.
In an advocacy role the purposes of the Association are to:
- Educate members about key issues.
- Reduce the costs and improve the methods of production, distribution, transportation, and marketing of horticultural products.
- Improve and increase the quantity and quality of water for irrigation purposes in the Gascoyne district.
- Stabilise trade and secure a reasonable return on capital invested.
- Remove the disadvantage suffered by people within the horticultural industry.
- Represent the interests of the members in relation to legislative or other measures affecting the members.
- Protect the members by joint action in the settlement of industrial and other disputes.
- Bring any disadvantage to the attention of the public, government departments and any other relevant body.
- Control declared pests that affect the horticultural industry in the Carnarvon area.